下列的文件可以下载到你的电脑,以便学习。The following files may be downloaded for study on your personal computer.
- 历史学家和法律颁布者——摩西(约公元前14世纪),记载了The historian and law-giver Moses (circa 14th century BC) recorded
- 世界历史的开端。The Beginning of World History
- 先知以赛亚(公元前8世纪)记载了Isaiah the prophet (8th century BC) recorded
- 弥赛亚将要到来的预言。The Promise of a Coming Messiah
- 同一个时代的一位医生——路加(公元1世纪),记载了Luke the physician, a contemporary (1st century AD) recorded
- 耶稣基督的生平。The Life of Jesus Christ According to Luke
- 同一个时代的使徒约翰(公元1世纪),记载了John the apostle, a contemporary (1st century AD) recorded
- 耶稣基督的生平。The Life of Jesus Christ According to John
- 同一个时代的一位医生——路加(公元1世纪),记载了Luke the physician, a contemporary (1st century AD) recorded
- 基督教的诞生和传播。The Birth and Spread of Christianity
- 同一个时代的使徒约翰(公元1世纪),记载了John the apostle, a contemporary (1st century AD) recorded
- 关于人类历史结束的预言。The Conclusion of History