双语学习Bilingual Studies

中文—英文 / 英文 —中文Chinese-English / English-Chinese

基于古代的经典著作《圣经》,适合学习语言、历史、哲学和宗教。Based on the Ancient Writings of the Holy Bible, Suitable for Study of Language, History, Philosophy, and Religion

下列的文件可以下载到你的电脑,以便学习。The following files may be downloaded for study on your personal computer.

历史学家和法律颁布者——摩西(约公元前14世纪),记载了The historian and law-giver Moses (circa 14th century BC) recorded
世界历史的开端。The Beginning of World History
先知以赛亚(公元前8世纪)记载了Isaiah the prophet (8th century BC) recorded
弥赛亚将要到来的预言。The Promise of a Coming Messiah
同一个时代的一位医生——路加(公元1世纪),记载了Luke the physician, a contemporary (1st century AD) recorded
耶稣基督的生平。The Life of Jesus Christ According to Luke
同一个时代的使徒约翰(公元1世纪),记载了John the apostle, a contemporary (1st century AD) recorded
耶稣基督的生平。The Life of Jesus Christ According to John
同一个时代的一位医生——路加(公元1世纪),记载了Luke the physician, a contemporary (1st century AD) recorded
基督教的诞生和传播。The Birth and Spread of Christianity
同一个时代的使徒约翰(公元1世纪),记载了John the apostle, a contemporary (1st century AD) recorded
关于人类历史结束的预言。The Conclusion of History